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Empowering Immigrants’ EU Social and Civic Participation through Innovative Media for Education

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Sobre o projeto

O IEUME é um projecto Erasmus + KA2 com a duração de 2 anos que pretende apoiar, através de ferramentas educativas inovadoras, o processo de integração de pessoas de origem migrante (refugiados, requerentes de asilo e migrantes económicos). Os referidos instrumentos irão ajudá-los a obter acesso a informação e a uma melhor compreensão sobre questões pertinentes relacionadas com UE, incluindo os direitos e deveres que têm nos países de chegada na UE.

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Homepage eLearning


A plataforma eLearning da IEUME hospeda e fornece aos usuários acesso ao Currículo Gamificado e à Caixa de Ferramentas on-line do projeto.

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Social gamification may help prod people to engage in your community or collaborative effort, but can it actually help build a sense of community?

This is an urgent question to ask. It’s urgent because today’s largest social media platforms are under scrutiny for being purposely addictive and playing on people’s deep emotional needs to be seen and validated. So at the heart of what makes these platforms so addictive to the common user are the gamification elements they employ. 

But it’s not just the social media giants that should be concerned — anyone who uses a community platform needs to pay attention too.

Read More at: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/gamification-in-community-building-when-does-it-work/?fbclid=IwAR1ADqbRQOk9QNVXyeCz31GJlIsfpZgpAH6xmQh2cRpy_8ZIyLEN5NuY2fw