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Empowering Immigrants’ EU Social and Civic Participation through Innovative Media for Education

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Über das Projekt

IEUME ist ein zweijähriges Erasmus+ KA2-Projekt, das den Integrationsprozess von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund (Flüchtlinge, AsylbewerberInnen und Wirtschaftsmigrantinnen und Wirtschaftsmigranten) mit innovativen Bildungsinstrumenten unterstützen möchte. Diese Instrumente werden ihnen helfen, Zugang zu Informationen zu erhalten und ein besseres Verständnis für einige der wichtigsten - und für sie relevanten - EU-bezogenen Fragen zu erlangen, einschließlich der Rechte und Pflichten, die sie in ihren EU-Gastländern haben.

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Homepage eLearning


Die eLearning-Plattform von IEUME hostet und bietet Benutzern Zugriff auf das Online-Gamified Curriculum und die Toolbox des Projekts.

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Migrants and refugees in Europe are too often excluded from participating in decisions that shape their lives, a group of migrant advocates says. The European Migrant Advisory Board set out to change that by asking hundreds of migrants for their views and recommendations on how policies should be shaped.

"Refugees and migrants get fed up when they are not taken seriously," says Anila Noor. She's speaking from experience. Born in Pakistan and now based in the Netherlands, Noor knows only too well what it's like to be included in events and conferences with other migrants only "so we can tell our miserable stories." "Policy makers like to hear accounts of a hard journey on a refugee boat," she says. "They are less interested in listening to our ideas."