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Empowering Immigrants’ EU Social and Civic Participation through Innovative Media for Education

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Dwar il-proġett

IEUME huwa Proġett Erasmus + KA2 ta 'sentejn li jixtieq jappoġġa, permezz ta' għodod edukattivi innovattivi, il-proċess ta 'integrazzjoni ta' nies bi sfond ta’ migranti (refuġjati, persuni li jfittxu l-ażil u migranti ekonomiċi). Dawn l-għodod i se jgħinuhom jiksbu aċċess għall-informazzjoni u fehim aħjar ta 'wħud mill-iktar kwistjonijiet importanti - u pertinenti għalihom - relatati mal-UE, inklużi d-drittijiet u l-obbligi li għandhom fl-istati ospitanti tagħhom gewwa l-UE.

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Homepage eLearning


Il-pjattaforma ta 'l-eLearning ta' IEUME tospita u tipprovdi lill-utenti b'aċċess għall-Kurrikulu Gamified onlajn tal-proġett u għall-kaxxa ta 'l-Għodda.

żur il-pjattaforma
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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Refugees in Ghana have the same legal rights as ordinary citizens. They can live, work, and own businesses and properties, just as any other Ghanaian national.

Not much attention is given to the refugee situation in Ghana, but it should be. Its refugee community has been off the radar because it is small. With 14,000 registered refugees across five camps, the population is largely considered a non-issue. Nevertheless, it deserves special attention.

The refugee ‘problem’ in Ghana is small enough to manage and big enough to test economic and social integration solutions. In addition, policies that allow refugees to live and work in Ghana provide ample opportunities for governments and international organizations alike to prototype and create integration solutions without hindrance. These solutions could be replicated across different refugee and migrant communities.

Read More At: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/11/why-ghana-is-perfect-for-learning-how-to-integrate-refugees/?fbclid=IwAR2K273Tt0VJ6wN9kfDW2LNc8aKxEmmdkn3Z3h7B5LDkqugAB1ZNYG37PGQ