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Empowering Immigrants’ EU Social and Civic Participation through Innovative Media for Education

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Dwar il-proġett

IEUME huwa Proġett Erasmus + KA2 ta 'sentejn li jixtieq jappoġġa, permezz ta' għodod edukattivi innovattivi, il-proċess ta 'integrazzjoni ta' nies bi sfond ta’ migranti (refuġjati, persuni li jfittxu l-ażil u migranti ekonomiċi). Dawn l-għodod i se jgħinuhom jiksbu aċċess għall-informazzjoni u fehim aħjar ta 'wħud mill-iktar kwistjonijiet importanti - u pertinenti għalihom - relatati mal-UE, inklużi d-drittijiet u l-obbligi li għandhom fl-istati ospitanti tagħhom gewwa l-UE.

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Homepage eLearning


Il-pjattaforma ta 'l-eLearning ta' IEUME tospita u tipprovdi lill-utenti b'aċċess għall-Kurrikulu Gamified onlajn tal-proġett u għall-kaxxa ta 'l-Għodda.

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Social gamification may help prod people to engage in your community or collaborative effort, but can it actually help build a sense of community?

This is an urgent question to ask. It’s urgent because today’s largest social media platforms are under scrutiny for being purposely addictive and playing on people’s deep emotional needs to be seen and validated. So at the heart of what makes these platforms so addictive to the common user are the gamification elements they employ. 

But it’s not just the social media giants that should be concerned — anyone who uses a community platform needs to pay attention too.

Read More at: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/gamification-in-community-building-when-does-it-work/?fbclid=IwAR1ADqbRQOk9QNVXyeCz31GJlIsfpZgpAH6xmQh2cRpy_8ZIyLEN5NuY2fw