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Empowering Immigrants’ EU Social and Civic Participation through Innovative Media for Education

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Dwar il-proġett

IEUME huwa Proġett Erasmus + KA2 ta 'sentejn li jixtieq jappoġġa, permezz ta' għodod edukattivi innovattivi, il-proċess ta 'integrazzjoni ta' nies bi sfond ta’ migranti (refuġjati, persuni li jfittxu l-ażil u migranti ekonomiċi). Dawn l-għodod i se jgħinuhom jiksbu aċċess għall-informazzjoni u fehim aħjar ta 'wħud mill-iktar kwistjonijiet importanti - u pertinenti għalihom - relatati mal-UE, inklużi d-drittijiet u l-obbligi li għandhom fl-istati ospitanti tagħhom gewwa l-UE.

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Il-pjattaforma ta 'l-eLearning ta' IEUME tospita u tipprovdi lill-utenti b'aċċess għall-Kurrikulu Gamified onlajn tal-proġett u għall-kaxxa ta 'l-Għodda.

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Syrians have been fleeing war for the better part of eight years — and their plight barely registers on the news anymore.

But the slow-motion train wreck that is the Syria conflict is still happening.

In Washington, DC, renowned Arab-American artist Helen Zughaib, whose work has been presented to foreign heads of state by former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is trying to draw attention to Syrians’ struggle.

Her new art exhibit, the Syrian Migration Series, tells a compelling story of protests, rebellion, and civil war, the events that led millions of people to flee Syria for a safer harbor.

Read More at: https://www.vox.com/world/2019/2/5/18196101/helen-zughaib-art-exhibit-syrian-refugees-jacob-lawrence-migration?fbclid=IwAR0scAXXFHVw3E2YH1YYws2QnCaEZEQ7X0AEh07Yo4M0RgRklBEBsp1j2Qw